If you are interested in taking Basic Integral Yoga Teacher Training, please email us at  integralyoga@gmail.com


2023-2024 Beginner Hatha
200-hour Yoga Teacher Training

Begins this coming September!
This Time may be the Right Time for You.


The Integral Yoga 200-hour Teacher Training here at Integral Yoga Institute, Fair Lawn, NJ is a five month-long non-residential program consisting of over 200 class hours. This comprehensive Yoga teacher certification provides a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development, a space for nurturing your own practice, and the skills necessary to become a knowledgeable Yoga teacher. You will learn to teach each portion of the Integral Yoga Beginners’ class, including asanas (Yoga poses), deep relaxation, pranayama (breathing practices), chanting, and meditation. You will learn how to adapt yoga practices to fit the needs of often-seen students. You will enjoy going deeper in your own practice so you can be a model for others as well as a refection of yogic teachings, the result being a happier healthier, more peaceful and productive YOU!

Additionally, you will explore:

  • Classes in vegetarian diet
  • Instruction in basic anatomy and physiology
  • Chanting instruction—for personal practice and class settings
  • Raja Yoga (the science of the mind and yogic lifestyle)
  • Jnana Yoga (the study of Self-inquiry)
  • Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion; including chanting, worship, and self-surrender)
  • Karma Yoga (the practice of selfless service)

Call for a Mutual Interview and Application: 201-796-7585
Orientation Meeting: Sunday January 19, 2020 11am

Your Instructors