Pranayama and Physiological effects
Save four Wednesday evenings for Breathing!
This Four Week Program is a pre-requisite for a 2024/2025 Pranayama Teacher Training as well as a stand alone Series to discover how pranayama techniques can help with various conditions and why.
December 27: Deergha Swassam –
January 3: Kapalabhati
January 10: Nadi Suddhi
January 17: Mudras
Schedule for each Evening:
Pranayama for Meditation: 15-20 minutes
Meditation or Deep Relaxation 10 minutes
Pranayama Variations 30 minutes
Discussion 15 minutes
Fourteen (14) maximum attendees in-house and unlimited attendees virtually.
For In house attendance please call 201-796-7585 to reserve your spot as regulars often register in person. Virtual attendees Please register with this site.
Everyone is welcome to attend no matter what is one’s financial situation. Please contact us, 201-796-7585, if you need any assistance. Ask to speak with Rev. Premajyothi Devi.
Hourly Schedule
New Day
New Day
Margabandhu MartaranoE-RYT-500
Margabandhu Martarano has served as Director of the New Jersey IYI, at the request of Sri Swami Satchidananda, for over 50 years. Margabandhu is a Senior Certified Integral Yoga Instructor, proficient in all aspects of Yoga, having learned directly from Swami Satchidananda in the early years. He currently sits on the Integral Yoga Teachers Council and is sought after for his opinion and advice on many topics yoga and health related. His long term focus and present concern is teaching Pranayama for health of body and mind as well as nutrition, cleansing techniques and understanding all the benefits of an Integral Yoga hatha class.