Pranayama Course Part II

Join Margabandhu Martarano and Rev. Premajyothi Devi as we continue our journey to inner peace and vitality through the Science of Pranayama.

February 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22,29 11am – 12:30pm

Class #1: Ida and Pingala and Meridians
Practical Uses from Understanding Ida and Pingala, Prana and Disease, yogic techniques
to remedy conditions from the irregular distribution of prana and imbalances in Ida or
Pingala nadis. Meridians and Nadis.

Class #2: Chakras and Pranayama
Why is Ajna Chakra most important? Why are Chakras depicted from a front view when
they are located in the spine (other than it looks better, visually) What is Integral Yoga’s approach to working with the Chakras?

Class #3: Mudras, Sat Kriya, Pranayama and our Health
Chin and Jnana Mudra, Vishnu Mudra, Shanmuki Mudra, Yoga Mudra, Viparitakarani
Mudra, Shanbavi Mudra, Aswini Mudra, Yoni Mudra: Shanmuki Mudra with Brahmari
Prana Mudra, Prana Vayu Hand Mudras and Mantras, Ganesha Mudra

Class #4: Bandhas, Granthis & Pranayama

Moolabandha, Uddyanabandha, Jalandhrabandha, benefits & precautions
Psychic knots and what to do about them.

Class #5: Diet, Fasting, and Pranayama
Getting personal so your diet is optimal for you and for your pranayama practice.
How fasting is helpful for health and for pranayama practice and higher goals.

Class #6: Pranayama for Special Populations
Pregnancy, Elderly, Heart conditions, Grief, Children, Students, Autism

Class #7: Yogic Approach to Special Conditions
Gain an appreciation of all that can be involved in understanding a condition and a holistic approach to help support healing.

Class #8: Personalized Pranayama Counseling
Breakout rooms with Margabandhu, Premajyothi, Swami Sharadanandaji

Raja Yoga teachings on Pranayama will also be sprinkled throughout the series. 

$150 Cost for Those who took Pranayama Course Part 1

$200 Cost for Those who did not take Pranayama Course Part 1 but are comfortable with Integral Yoga Pranayama practices

If you did not take Part 1 please email us at to schedule a mutual interview.   



Feb 08 2025


11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 08 2025
  • Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm






  • Margabandhu Martarano
    Margabandhu Martarano

    Margabandhu Martarano has served as Director of the New Jersey IYI, at the request of Sri Swami Satchidananda, for over 50 years. Margabandhu is a Senior Certified Integral Yoga Instructor, proficient in all aspects of Yoga, having learned directly from Swami Satchidananda in the early years. He currently sits on the Integral Yoga Teachers Council and is sought after for his opinion and advice on many topics yoga and health related. His long term focus and present concern is teaching Pranayama for health of body and mind as well as nutrition, cleansing techniques and understanding all the benefits of an Integral Yoga hatha class.

  • Rev. Premajyothi Devi
    Rev. Premajyothi Devi

    Rev. Premajyothi Devi is a certified Integral Yoga Instructor for Meditation, Cardiac, Children’s, Pre-natal, Post-Partum, Raja Yoga as well as Beginner and Intermediate Hatha Yoga. Premajyothi also is a certified Basic Yoga Teacher Trainer, helping to offer the great teachings of Integral Yoga to the next generation of yoga teachers. On August 19, 2006, she deepened her commitment to Sri Swami Satchidananda and the teachings of Integral Yoga, and became an Integral Yoga Minister. She is available for Weddings, Memorial Services, House Blessings, Baby Blessings, Ecumenical Services, Spiritual Counseling, and wherever the universal teachings of yoga are requested.